
Crafting Chaos: The Ultimate Guide for Creating the Worst Software Ever
Software Development Nikola Ristic Software Development Nikola Ristic

Crafting Chaos: The Ultimate Guide for Creating the Worst Software Ever

Dive into the guide to crafting terrible software! I flip the script, revealing how disregarding users, evading testing, and embracing chaos can lead to spectacularly awful software. This journey through the anti-best practices in software development is a must-read for anyone seeking a laugh and a fresh perspective. Remember, it's all in good fun!

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Beyond Bugs: Cultivating a Quality Assurance Mindset In Your Company
Quality Assurance Nikola Ristic Quality Assurance Nikola Ristic

Beyond Bugs: Cultivating a Quality Assurance Mindset In Your Company

I delve into redefining the perception and importance of quality assurance (QA) within an organization. I share insights and experiences on why QA should be more than just a budgeted afterthought and how it can play a pivotal role in product development. The post emphasizes shifting the QA focus from mere bug-finding to building quality, involving QA experts in every project stage, and encouraging a company-wide mindset that prioritizes quality.

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AI Under Fire: Why Are People Increasingly Skeptical About AI Tools and Is It Justified?
Artificial Intelligence Nikola Ristic Artificial Intelligence Nikola Ristic

AI Under Fire: Why Are People Increasingly Skeptical About AI Tools and Is It Justified?

In this blog post, I delve into the evolving perceptions of AI, particularly in the context of Large Language Models like ChatGPT. After encountering skepticism in a comments section, I reflect on the changing narrative around AI, exploring whether it's the technology or our expectations that have shifted. I examine the nature of AI's generativity, the misconceptions surrounding its capabilities, and the importance of managing expectations in the rapidly advancing AI landscape.

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Lost in Translation: The Art of Communication as a Software QA Engineer
Communication Nikola Ristic Communication Nikola Ristic

Lost in Translation: The Art of Communication as a Software QA Engineer

In this post, I delve into the often overlooked yet crucial aspect of software QA: communication. Through my experience with a seemingly simple bug, I explore how effective dialogue is key to unraveling complex issues and maintaining team harmony. I share insights on enhancing communication within software teams, transforming challenges into productive interactions.

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The Balancing Act: Managing Multiple Projects (as a Software QA Engineer)
Productivity Nikola Ristic Productivity Nikola Ristic

The Balancing Act: Managing Multiple Projects (as a Software QA Engineer)

Juggling multiple software QA projects can be as daunting as climbing Mount Everest. This post shares insights and strategies for managing a heavy workload, ensuring efficient time management, prioritization, and maintaining quality across various projects. Join me as I guide you through handling the challenges of multitasking in the dynamic world of software quality assurance.

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Exploring AI in Software Testing: Tools, Features and Promises
Artificial Intelligence Nikola Ristic Artificial Intelligence Nikola Ristic

Exploring AI in Software Testing: Tools, Features and Promises

Explore the transformative potential of AI in software testing and QA. This post delves into the latest AI tools revolutionizing the field, offering a fresh perspective on how automation and AI are reshaping software testing practices. Join me as I analyze key AI-driven tools, revealing their capabilities and the impact they could have on the QA landscape.

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Building Blocks for Success: Choosing the Right Education as a Software QA Beginner
Career Development Nikola Ristic Career Development Nikola Ristic

Building Blocks for Success: Choosing the Right Education as a Software QA Beginner

In this blog, I reflect on my journey and share key insights on educational paths and experiences vital for success in this dynamic field. Whether you're contemplating university, certifications, online courses, or internships, I'll guide you through what truly matters in becoming a proficient software QA engineer/manager.

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Navigating the QA Manager Journey: 10 Key Lessons I Wish I Had Known
Career Development Nikola Ristic Career Development Nikola Ristic

Navigating the QA Manager Journey: 10 Key Lessons I Wish I Had Known

Embarking on a career in software QA? This post unveils 10 invaluable lessons I wish I'd known from the start, guiding you through the complexities of this evolving field. From embracing curiosity to mastering communication and adapting to constant change, these insights are essential for anyone navigating the dynamic world of software quality assurance.

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From Chaos to Clarity: Crafting a winning Test Strategy
Career Development Nikola Ristic Career Development Nikola Ristic

From Chaos to Clarity: Crafting a winning Test Strategy

Jumping into a new QA Manager role can be a whirlwind, especially when faced with the challenge of devising a test strategy while still setting up your workstation. This post is a practical guide for newcomers in QA, outlining how to craft a test strategy that aligns with your product's core objectives, customer expectations, and the realities of your tech stack.

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