Maximizing Productivity in Software Testing: Techniques and Insights for Success

In today’s fast-paced and ever-changing modern world, it is common to experience the sensation of things evolving rapidly, particularly in the technology industry. This can often make it feel like everything is moving too quickly, leaving you struggling to keep up.

I encountered this feeling at some point in my professional life. But then I got involved with the wonderful world of productivity. Initially, it seemed a little bite overwhelming due to the multitude of new methods and theories promising to enhance productivity through simple hacks. Nevertheless, through an extended period of trial and error, I eventually identified specific techniques that effectively improved my workload and productivity. I would like to share these techniques and insights in the hope that they can assist you as well.

This blog post will cover the following topics:

  1. The meaning of productivity in the software quality assurance (QA) field.

  2. The importance of focusing on the core issues and establishing deadlines.

  3. Managing energy levels and creating an optimal work environment.

  4. The advantages of effective communication and automation as productivity tools.

The Meaning of Productivity in Software Testing

When considering productivity, the initial association that often comes to mind is the ability to complete tasks quickly. However, this notion may not align with the role of a software quality assurance professional. The work of a software tester revolves around precision rather than speed. Therefore, what does it mean to increase productivity in this context? Testing inherently involves subjectivity and relies on the judgment of the tester, which can be time-consuming. Consequently, the traditional definition of productivity, which emphasizes output quantity, may not be suitable. Instead of measuring the number of test cases executed or bugs discovered, the focus should shift to the effectiveness and efficiency of the testing process. The goal is to eliminate any obstacles or friction that impede the workflow. In the realm of software testing, productivity should be assessed based on the ability to identify critical issues early on, provide accurate and timely feedback, and enhance the overall software quality.

The Pareto Principle

The Pareto principle, also known as the 80/20 rule, is a concept that suggests that a significant portion of the results or outcomes in many situations is often driven by a small number of causes or inputs. It states that roughly 80% of the effects come from 20% of the causes.

When it comes to software testing, the Pareto principle can be employed to identify and prioritize the most crucial defects or issues requiring attention. It implies that roughly 80% of software bugs or problems can be traced back to 20% of the underlying issues. By recognizing and giving priority to these high-impact issues, testers can streamline their testing efforts, allocate resources more effectively, and achieve heightened levels of productivity. The approach involves focusing on the primary requirements that demand testing and initially concentrating on examining the core features. By doing so, testers can gain a comprehensive understanding of the functionality and, if time permits, broaden their testing scope.

Parkinson’s Law

If you have a tendency to procrastinate, you’ll love this principle. It suggests that when individuals or organizations are provided with a set deadline or timeframe to complete a task, they often utilize the entire allocated time, even if the task could have been accomplished more quickly. Consequently, tasks may become prolonged, more intricate, and inefficiencies may arise. However, does this mean we should delay testing until shortly before the project’s end?

Clearly, that’s not the case. If you want to effectively apply Parkinson’s Law to software testing, you should set yourself a deadline. For instance, you can decide to complete testing for a specific ticket by a certain day or by the end of the week. Having a defined timeframe enables you to gauge when tasks should be completed. While it’s common for others to impose deadlines on you, it’s worth noting that there are benefits to setting your own deadline as well. The deadline should be reasonably close but also realistic enough to allow for the completion of all necessary tasks. Moreover, it provides a specific point at which you should cease testing. We all know that when testing a new feature, there’s always more depth to explore. However, there comes a point where the additional insights gained are minimal, and it’s more efficient to move on to another task.

Begin with the Difficult Tasks

There is a common belief that starting the day with easy tasks and leaving the harder ones for later is the best approach. However, this is a misconception because our energy levels aren’t just physical, but also mental. A strategic approach to productivity involves recognizing the dynamics of our mental energy. Similar to physical energy, our mental reserves tend to diminish as the day progresses due to factors like decision fatigue and daily stress. Therefore, it is more advantageous to begin the day by tackling challenging tasks when our mental faculties are at their peak. By allocating our cognitive effort and concentration to these demanding tasks early on, we optimize the use of our mental energy. This allows for the efficient completion of complex tasks, leaving the later parts of the day for less demanding activities that require less cognitive effort.

For software testers facing a multitude of tasks, it is recommended to start the morning with the difficult ones. Begin by handling complex test cases rather than simply checking texts and easy user interface elements. This ensures that you have the necessary mental strength to address various edge cases related to complex and challenging features. In doing so, you can reserve the afternoons for easier tasks and meetings. I try to schedule all my meetings for the afternoon, recognizing that there are occasions when the timing cannot be altered. However, I prefer to engage in discussions after accomplishing a significant amount of work. That’s why I advocate for daily standups in the afternoon! Otherwise, if your entire morning is consumed by meetings, you may feel tired and less productive afterwards.

Control Your Environment

I have previously discussed the concept in one of my earlier blog posts, but I strongly advocate for the practice of time blocking. Cal Newport provides an excellent explanation of this concept in his book “Deep Work.” The idea is to plan your day and allocate specific time blocks for different tasks. By doing so, you have a clear understanding of what needs to be accomplished within that designated time frame, such as one or two hours. If possible, consider booking a meeting room to minimize distractions from colleagues and other noises. While this approach may seem strict, you will be pleasantly surprised by how much more productive you can be when you create an environment that promotes focused work.

Personally, I establish specific time blocks for particular projects. During these allocated time frames, I dedicate myself to testing any remaining tickets. I either book a meeting room or a quiet space, or I use noise-canceling headphones. Additionally, I disable all notifications from my apps and programs. This means no Slack notifications, no email alerts, and no calendar pop-ups. These actions have significantly increased my productivity. I hadn’t realized how frequently I was getting distracted by a brief Slack message or a seemingly “quick” question from a colleague.

Just Do It!

How many times have I told myself, “I’m not in the mood right now, but maybe I’ll feel motivated later,” only to end up taking a long break? Unfortunately, even after the break, the motivation was still nowhere to be found, and I had wasted a significant amount of time. There’s a common misconception that motivation will magically appear if we simply wait long enough. However, it’s actually the opposite! We need to take action for motivation to emerge. Just like the “2-Minute Rule” described in James Clear’s book “Atomic Habits,” if a task takes less than 2 minutes, we should go ahead and do it. By starting something, we may find ourselves motivated to tackle even bigger tasks. Completing smaller tasks often provides the motivation needed to take on larger ones. Therefore, it’s beneficial to break down our tasks into smaller chunks, address them step by step, and gradually build motivation as well as progress toward the ultimate goal.

In the context of software testing, this approach suggests separating test cases and organizing them into smaller parts. This way, instead of viewing the entire testing process as an insurmountable mountain, you can simply start with one of the smaller parts. Even if you’re unsure where to begin when faced with testing a large feature, it doesn’t matter — just start! Once you take that initial step, you will likely find the motivation you were seeking earlier.

Master the Art of Effective Communication

What can enhance productivity more effectively than proficient communication? Initially, I encountered numerous discussions with developers where I struggled to effectively communicate the bugs I had discovered. The developer often had difficulty understanding what I meant. On the flip side, I encountered situations where I read user stories with acceptance criteria that were formulated in an incomprehensible and perplexing manner. These instances consumed valuable time and diminished productivity, as I had to engage in follow-up conversations or even schedule meetings.

Therefore, it is crucial to learn not only verbal communication but also written communication skills. Familiarize yourself with the specific terminology necessary for software development and strive to be as precise as possible. When you encounter a bug, take the time to reproduce it and provide a comprehensive description, encompassing the entire environment, testing procedures, specifications, and your understanding of them. Many individuals underestimate the significance of these aspects or believe they require minimal time investment. However, you can conduct an experiment on your own by tracking the time required to clarify a specific task. You will discover that effective communication plays a vital role in significantly improving productivity.

Automate Everything!

Most individuals are not inclined to perform repetitive tasks as it not only drains our energy but also reduces productivity. However, as a software tester, your approach to problem-solving may differ from others. You ask yourself, “Can I automate it?” There are numerous tests, such as regression tests or smoke tests, that are ideal candidates for automation. Therefore, when faced with a significant number of test cases during the testing phase, consider the potential for automation. It is common for project management to view automation as a task to be addressed later, but this approach is flawed. The earlier you begin contemplating automation, the sooner you can avoid wasting time on repetitive tests.

However, as a competent software QA professional, you should not limit automation to just test cases. Whenever possible, seek opportunities to automate processes within the project and your day-to-day operations. How does a ticket reach you? How do you communicate the definition of “done” and what follows next? Many of these questions can and perhaps should be answered with automated solutions. Strive to define processes that are not reliant on human memory because people are prone to forgetting, whereas automation is not! Therefore, advocate for automation within your team and implement it where feasible and logical. This will increase the productivity of the whole team and will give you time to tackle more time-consuming tasks.


To summarize, software testing is a vital aspect of the development process, although traditional productivity measures may not directly apply. Rather than emphasizing output quantity, a redefined perspective on productivity should prioritize quality. By embracing automation, streamlining processes, and promoting effective communication, a more productive approach to testing can be established, resulting in the delivery of superior software products. By incorporating these considerations into your mindset, you can work more efficiently and harmoniously. I have found that addressing these factors has diminished the daunting nature of my tasks. I can be more productive and can achieve better results with higher quality at the same time.

Here are my recommendations for books on productivity:

  • “Deep Work” by Cal Newport

  • “Atomic Habits” by James Clear

  • “Effortless” by Greg McKeown


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