
Forget the Hype: 6 (Realistic) AI-Powered Techniques to Enhance Your Software Quality
Artificial Intelligence Nikola Ristic Artificial Intelligence Nikola Ristic

Forget the Hype: 6 (Realistic) AI-Powered Techniques to Enhance Your Software Quality

Let's address the elephant in the room. Many articles tout the revolutionary benefits of AI, promising effortless productivity boosts with a few tricks, but these often fall short or seem AI-generated. In this blog, I'll take a different approach, sharing six practical ways AI, specifically large language models like ChatGPT, can genuinely assist software developers and QA engineers in enhancing software quality. Rather than replacing you, these tools can support your work.

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Before the First Line of Code: 7 Key Questions for Starting a Test Automation Project
Test Automation Nikola Ristic Test Automation Nikola Ristic

Before the First Line of Code: 7 Key Questions for Starting a Test Automation Project

Starting a test automation project can be both exciting and challenging. Many companies dive into automation, attracted by its potential benefits, but often overlook crucial preliminary steps. This blog post aims to address this gap by discussing seven essential questions to ask before writing a single line of code for your test automation project. These questions will guide you in setting clear goals, assessing your project's readiness, defining team roles, and more.

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The Future of AI Relies on Testing: Why 2024 Marks a Key Moment for QA Engineers
Artificial Intelligence Nikola Ristic Artificial Intelligence Nikola Ristic

The Future of AI Relies on Testing: Why 2024 Marks a Key Moment for QA Engineers

Discover how AI systems are becoming increasingly complex and why rigorous testing is crucial to their success. Real-world cases, like Air Canada’s chatbot mishap and Google’s Gemini AI issues, highlighted the importance of thorough AI testing. We explore the future of AI development, emphasizing integrity, reliability, and ethical standards in technology.

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Breaking Barriers: The Importance of Accessibility in Software Development
Accessibility Nikola Ristic Accessibility Nikola Ristic

Breaking Barriers: The Importance of Accessibility in Software Development

Explore the often-overlooked but crucial aspect of software development: accessibility. With 1 billion people living with disabilities, creating universally accessible software is not just important but essential. This post dives into why accessibility matters in technology, especially in Health-Tech, and how to ensure your software is accessible to all, enhancing user experience for everyone.

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Beyond Bugs: Cultivating a Quality Assurance Mindset In Your Company
Quality Assurance Nikola Ristic Quality Assurance Nikola Ristic

Beyond Bugs: Cultivating a Quality Assurance Mindset In Your Company

I delve into redefining the perception and importance of quality assurance (QA) within an organization. I share insights and experiences on why QA should be more than just a budgeted afterthought and how it can play a pivotal role in product development. The post emphasizes shifting the QA focus from mere bug-finding to building quality, involving QA experts in every project stage, and encouraging a company-wide mindset that prioritizes quality.

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Exploring AI in Software Testing: Tools, Features and Promises
Artificial Intelligence Nikola Ristic Artificial Intelligence Nikola Ristic

Exploring AI in Software Testing: Tools, Features and Promises

Explore the transformative potential of AI in software testing and QA. This post delves into the latest AI tools revolutionizing the field, offering a fresh perspective on how automation and AI are reshaping software testing practices. Join me as I analyze key AI-driven tools, revealing their capabilities and the impact they could have on the QA landscape.

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Building Blocks for Success: Choosing the Right Education as a Software QA Beginner
Career Development Nikola Ristic Career Development Nikola Ristic

Building Blocks for Success: Choosing the Right Education as a Software QA Beginner

In this blog, I reflect on my journey and share key insights on educational paths and experiences vital for success in this dynamic field. Whether you're contemplating university, certifications, online courses, or internships, I'll guide you through what truly matters in becoming a proficient software QA engineer/manager.

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Navigating the QA Manager Journey: 10 Key Lessons I Wish I Had Known
Career Development Nikola Ristic Career Development Nikola Ristic

Navigating the QA Manager Journey: 10 Key Lessons I Wish I Had Known

Embarking on a career in software QA? This post unveils 10 invaluable lessons I wish I'd known from the start, guiding you through the complexities of this evolving field. From embracing curiosity to mastering communication and adapting to constant change, these insights are essential for anyone navigating the dynamic world of software quality assurance.

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